Wednesday, December 11, 2013


You make a new friend. Make them a mix tape (or playlist, for the younger folks) that tells them who you are through song.

What other tells about me, but described how I perceive others perceiving me when I stop being who they perceive me to be, who they want me to be, who they are projecting onto me, their ideal of me, and start being their un-ideal of me.
I don’t change at all… although changing is an intrinsic part of who I am because I allow relationships to transform me… but with others, the changes are just in how they perceive me. Nothing to do with me, everything to do with them.
I am whatever you want me to be, the ideal and the opposite of that. Angel and Devil. Saint and Sinner. Who cares who I really am…
But what I know is… you will never see me as I am, which is how I see myself. That is for me, and me alone. Why? Why anything really?
I do see you… and I see that you will never see me… perhaps that is my real purpose… rather than the purpose I wish I had, I think I have… to be who you want me to be, then disappoint you so… so what?
I can’t meet your demands… so you cut off my fingers. They grow back so someone else can cut them off. (Did I mention my mood was too heavy to post at this time).

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