Monday, December 23, 2013


Here is my top ten Rules of having Friends with Benefits

1)    Must think twice about a quick hook up with your neighbor
There are plenty of pros when it comes to having a Friends With Benefits living next door to you, at least the walk of shame is substantially a lot less embarrassing, you don’t have to worry about driving home after too many drinks, and usually you’ll be able to tell if their home or not. When the reality of how your sex buddy spends there time away from you
and viceversa, and location could very well be the downfall of your casual relationship when you spot their car missing at 2.00 in the morning you really do think what are they up to!

2)   Don’t try and convince yourself the relationship is more serious than it is.
No matter how hard sex buddies try not to fall for each other there is always that chance that one or both parties will have feelings for each other. It’s not just the ladies that this is
happening to or the risk of ruining the no-strings-attached arrangement. It sure can happen to men too. if you've been sleeping with a guy who then confesses that he considers you
nothing more than a sex buddy, it might be your dream of making him your boyfriend has gone and so has the Friends with Benefits relationship.

3)   You have to proceed with caution if you meet someone new.
You will sure have to see how it goes with your FWB when you meet someone new,  Don’t assume exclusivity with a person you like until you've actually talked about it. Remember,
you’re not the only one having casual sex on the side while you date maybe your new partner is too. The bottom line here: Don’t make any major decisions until you've clarified things
up with them first.

4)   You should not encourage friends and the family to hang out with your FWB.
Your FWB should fill the same role just like a imaginary friend they are there when you need them, but he has no place in your for your out going social life.
You might ask why well, at first because a FWB is meant to be temporary basis. If you start bringing them into your weekly routine you’re creating a long-term connection.
also because you have to protect your feeling If you see your FWB getting along with all your family and friends at the latest meet up  you could develop feelings for them even more.

5)   You won’t need to sleep over.
Erick, a 28-year-old single woman from Bacoor says one of her favorite parts of having a FWB is that he doesn't have to cuddle up after or even have that  awkward morning-after feeling
“I can just kick him out after the is all done,” he says. “For me, post-sex cuddling is all about emotional bonding and intimacy. I sure have no interest in that with a sex buddy.
I love saying goodnight, taking a nice bath and then jumping into bed totally relaxed…and well satisfied.”

6)   Sure not to get upset if your FWB goes out with someone else.
You just have to remember that  your FWB is not your boyfriend. This means if you catch him with another girl he’s not cheating on you. The same sure goes for him too
you’re both free to date who ever you’d like

7)   Must keep your relationship in the bedroom.
When there has been a few hot sexy nights spent with your FWB, you may start to wonder if you should meet for next coffee, see even see a movie.
But Carlo, a single 26-year-old guy from Imus, warns not to do it, unless you are planning to have a more serious relationship, a date leads someone to think that there’s
more to the hot sweaty passion than just the physical aspect,” he says!

8)   Sure have to protect yourself
You should make sure you are both practicing safe sex regardless of whom you’re sleeping with, but it’s very crucial to be careful with a sex buddy because that’s all they are your Sex buddy, and your buddy could have a number of partners because they are is not bound to you. It is especially important to use condoms to prevent sexually transmitted infections STI’s
when you are engaging in casual sex with partners.

9)   Have to be smart about social media.
Hey, maybe your met your FWB on Facebook, but that sure doesn't mean that they wants the world to know you’re hooking up on the regular basis, so you think twice before posting status
updates like, “sure had a banging’ time last night”  If you don’t want to know what your FWB is up to in there spare time, you might also want to consider not connecting Facebook
and social media to begin with.

10)   Don’t always think that sex is required.
When ,Marcian 33, who lives in Cavite, started sleeping with her FWB, she says it was really adventurous, and had so much fun that we did it multiple times a week and even met up
on lunch breaks for sexy romps in his car.” After a few weeks, though, he got really tired of doing it so often and declined one night. Once he had explained that it had nothing to
do with him and that he wasn't sleeping with someone else, the guy was sure fine with it. “From then on, he had never questioned me when I resisted, nor did I over think it when
he ignored some of my texts from me from a few late night,” he says. “The great thing about having a sex buddy that is cool is that if you play it for what it is, everyone. I would suggest laying down all the ground rules from the start! If your looking of having Friends with Benefits then look no further your sexy buddy today!

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